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Tips and Tricks in using Microsoft Excel

Welcome to 123XLSX.com's Tips for Excel section.

Because there have been several releases of Microsoft Excel over the years with differing menu, ribbon, functionality and features. In an effort to help you make the most out of your version of Microsoft Excel, we have compiled a list of Tips and Tricks into several categories which are listed in the right hand menu.

To find tips which will help you get the most out of Microsoft Excel and improve your efficiency in creating documents and publications, select the category that applies to your version of Microsoft Excel.

If you have any further questions concerning Microsoft Excel, working with Excel spreadsheets, Excel macros or Excel Dashboard Reports or would like to learn more about 123XLSX.com, out products and services, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.

Tips and Tricks in using Microsoft Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010

Questions from across all categories include:

How can I customise the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in Microsoft Excel 2010?
To customise the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Excel 2010:
  1. Right mouse click on the Quick Access Toolbar in the upper right corner of the Excel 2010 window. A menu appears.
  2. Select Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
  3. In the Choose commands from dropdown list make your choice by selecting the command you want and then click Add.
  4. The command is added to your Quick Access Toolbar.
  5. Repeat steps 1 - 3 to add all the commands you wish to your Quick Access Toolbar.
How can I Hide or UnHide rows or columns using Microsoft Excel 2007?
To hide a row or rows using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select a cell or cells and press CTRL while holding down the 9 key.
  2. The row or rows containing the selected cell or cells are now hidden.
To unhide a row or rows using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select the cells containing the range of the hidden row or hidden rows and press CTRL while holding down the SHIFT and the (keys.
  2. The row or rows containing the selected cell or cells are now unhidden.
To hide a column or columns using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select a cell or cells and press CTRL while holding down the 0 key.
  2. The column or columns containing the selected cell or cells are now hidden.
To unhide a column or columns using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select the cells containing the range of the hidden column or hidden columns and press CTRL while holding down the SHIFT and the )keys.
  2. The column or columns containing the selected cell or cells are now unhidden.
How can I format Sparklines in Microsoft Excel 2010?
To format Sparklines in Microsoft Excel 2010:
  1. Select the Sparkline graphical element in your data column. A Sparkline contextual tab in the ribbon section of Microsoft Excel. Sparklines have a gallery, similar to charts and tables where you can quickly choose and select a style and colour scheme.
  2. Using Show/ Hide options to enable points, as well as different colours on markers allows you to create more instant visual representations. Checking a point option will turn on or highlight that point for each sparkline.
  3. To change the colours of any or all individual point on your Sparkline, select the Marker Color option to the right of the Sparkline gallery.
  4. To change the colour of the Sparkline, select the Sparkline Color option to the right of the Sparkline gallery.
How can I combine text from different cells using Microsoft Excel 2007?
To combine text from different cells using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select the cell or new blank cell where you wish to display the combined text of different cells.
  2. In the formula field enter = followed by the cell number of the first cell text you want to add.
  3. Enter &" "& after each cell number you add to the forumla.
  4. For example if you wished to combine the text from cells B1, B2 and B3 into cell B5. Select the B5 cell and enter =B1&" "&B2&" "&B3 into the formula line to combine the text from these cells into B5.
How can I copy and paste Formulas from a range of cells without changing absolute or relative references using Microsoft Excel 2000?
To copy and paste Formulas from a range of cells without changing absolute or relative references using Microsoft Excel 2000:
  1. Select the range of cells containing the formulas and press Ctrl while holding down the H key.
  2. In the Find what box, type the .= sign.
  3. In the Replace with box, type the # sign to change the formulas to text.
  4. Click Replace All and then click Close.
  5. Copy and paste the selected cells to the new location.
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 3, reversing the # and = signs to change the text to formulas.
  7. Excel copies and pastes your selected formulas from the range of selected cells without changing absolute or relative references.
How can I change the colour of Gridlines using Microsoft Excel 2003?
To change the colour of Gridlines in your spreadhseet and workbooks using Microsoft Excel 2003:
  1. Choose Options from the Tools menu option in the main menu.
  2. In the Window options section, choose a colour from the Gridlines colour dropdown list.
  3. Click OK. Excel applies the selected colour to the Grlidlines in your Excel workbook, spreadsheet or open Excel template.
How can I delete empty rows between data using Microsoft Excel 2003?
To delete empty rows between data using Microsoft Excel 2003:
  1. Select all columns containing data..
  2. Click the Sort icon. Excel sorts all the data either ascending or descending based upon your selection and removes empty rows between your data.
How can I enter the current time into a workbook cell using Excel 2000?
To automatically get the current time in a workbook cell using Microsoft Excel 2000:
  1. Select a cell in your workbook and press CTRL while holding down the SHIFT key.
  2. In the formula field enter =NOW ().
  3. To get a formula that calculates the current time, right mouse click the cell and select Format.
  4. Change the format of the cell containing the NOW formula to h:mm in the Type box.
  5. Click OK. Excel applies the current time to the cell with the selected time format settings..
How can I allow or limit users to edit changes using Microsoft Excel 2007?
To share a workbook with other users using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select the Share Workbook icon from the Changes section of the Review menu option in the main menu.
  2. Select
  3. Allow changes
  4. and click OK.
  5. Excel applies your settings to the workbook and allows changes to the workbook to be made by other users.
To protect a workbook from other users using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select the Share Workbook icon from the Changes section of the Review menu option in the main menu.
  2. Select
  3. Protect Structure and Windows
  4. to prevent users from altering the workbook or select Restricted Access to specify a list of users and their access privileges.
  5. Excel applies your settings to the workbook and protects changes to the workbook .
To track changes made to a workbook by other users using Microsoft Excel 2007:
  1. Select the Track Changes.
  2. Excel now tracks all changes made to the workbook and highlights changes to show editing.
How can I set the default chart type using Microsoft Excel 2000?
To set the default chart type using Microsoft Word 2000:
  1. Select a chart sheet or select an embedded chart.
  2. Right mouse click on chart.
  3. From the Chart menu select the chart type you want from the list.
  4. Click Set as default chart.
  5. Click OK. Excel sets the chart type as the default chart.
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