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Frequently asked questions about 123XLSX.com and 123XLSX products and services.

Welcome to 123XLSX Frequently Asked Questions about Purchasing and Security.

In an effort to make the answers to your questions more readily available, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions into several categories which are listed in the right hand menu.

To find the answer to your questions, select the category that is most relevant to your enquiry.

If you have any further questions concerning 123XLSX commitment to online security, data protection, and purchasing options, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.

Frequently asked questions about purchasing and security

Questions in this category include:

What does Internet and online security really mean?
Internet and online security refers to the "secureness" of the information that you provide upon the site and the site's ability to keep that information and data secure from other on or offline sources. Sources that may seek for example to use email addresses for spamming, or credit card details to commit fradulent purchases.
Is 123XLSX.com a secure site?
Absolutely. All user and account information is stored on an encrypted server. And all purchase, credit card, and payment details are not even handled through our site, but through the worlds largest and most secure online payment organization, PayPal.

You can feel confident that your individually identifiable information will be protected when you order products from us over the Internet. And are rest assured that no information including email addresses or otherwise are made available to third parties or online organizations seeking to send unsolicted mails.
Why does 123XLSX.com choose PayPal as its transactions host?
123XLSX.com chooses PayPal as its preferred online transcations host because throughout the United States and over 55 countries, PayPal now hosts over 100 million online payment accounts. Making it the largest and most supported online payment transactions host.
What payment options do PayPal provide?
PayPal provide payment abilities for all major banking and credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

For further information PayPal has compiled a list of helpful frequently asked questions.
Are my orders secure?
Absolutely. Your orders are encrypted and performed through the PayPal secure server.

PayPal uses SSL technology to keep your information safe. In addition, when you send a payment using PayPal, 123XLSX.com does not receive your sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account details. Providing you even greater security and purchasing peace of mind.
Can you explain how the order process works?
As you add items to your shopping cart, 123XLSX.com store your order upon an encrypted server allowing you to add, remove, update, or delete the contents of your Cart.

When you confirm your order the shopping cart is sent securely to PayPal, and you are redirected to the PayPal payment page where you are able to enter your payment details.

After your payment has been confirmed, you are redirected to the 123XLSX Secure Download Area, where your order is available for download.

You can learn more about 123XLSX Committment to Security and Data Protection, throughout the entire shopping process through this Step by Step guide and detailed explanation.
How long does 123XLSX provide support for a purchase?
123XLSX.com provides unlimited support for its customers and 123XLSX provides free online support for product, presentation integration, and assistance as required.

All purchases are supported for a period of SEVEN (7) days following purchase, during which time the customer may request a copy of their order in the event of unsuccessful download or accidental deletion on their machine or network. After this period the customer is obliged to repeat their order should an additional copy of the order be required.
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